Alanna Kellogg - Food Blogger
Alanna is the second-generation author of Kitchen Parade, the recipe column her mother started when Alanna was a baby, way back in, well, never mind that.
Kitchen Parade features fresh, seasonal and healthy recipes made from real food along with the occasional indulgence. All recipes include nutrition information, Weight Watchers points and cooking tips that help new cooks build confidence and sometimes surprise even experienced cooks. Each summer, Kitchen Parade features fresh and easy summer recipes -- Less Cookin' and More Livin' -- that's the theme.
Alanna is also the “veggie evangelist” behind A Veggie Venture, the food blog about vegetables. It includes 1100+ vegetable recipes that are all organized by vegetable and by course, and are great for CSA members and farmers market shoppers and cooks ready to get out of the same-old, same-old rut of steamed broccoli and stir-fried green beans.
Every November, A Veggie Venture adds new recipes to a special Thanksgiving collection, Favorite Recipes for Thanksgiving’s Top Twelve Vegetables. Her World’s Best Green Bean Casserole, made with fresh mushrooms and green beans, is loved by cooks everywhere!
Alanna's Links:
Alanna's Recipes on AllFreeCasseroleRecipes:
Cauliflower-Broccoli Gratin with Horseradish
Weeknight Ground Beef Casserole
World's Best Green Bean Casserole
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