19 Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes


19 Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Thanksgiving is a time spent enjoying good conversation and food with friends and family. But when the meal is all said and done and your guests have gone home, you're often left with tons of leftover food. What do you do with all of those leftovers? Instead of the boring turkey sandwich, make one of the creative recipes in this collection of 19 Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes!

French Onion Leftover Turkey CasseroleYou won't have to let all of that hard work go to waste when you can re-use all of your Thanksgiving leftovers in these dishes! You're also saving yourself money by making more meals out of your leftovers. You can't beat that! So go ahead and explore all of the options you can make with leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and more!



19 Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

19 Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes
Leftover Mashed Potato Recipes
More Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Easy Thanksgiving Recipes: 14 Thanksgiving Side Dishes

For help with your Thanksgiving meal planning, this free eCookbook, Easy Thanksgiving Recipes: 14 Thanksgiving Side Dishes, is the perfect resource for finding the best side dishes to serve at your holiday dinner.




Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes

The star of the Thanksgiving dinner table is always the turkey. If turkey is your favorite thing to eat for Thanksgiving, you're in luck! You can now make even more meals out of the leftover turkey! These leftover turkey recipes span breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There's something for everyone in this collection because of the large variety. If you're craving a hearty breakfast, you can make that. In the mood for Chinese? Believe it or not, you can make a Chinese casserole with your leftover turkey. The options are truly endless with these Thanksgiving leftover recipes.

Gluten-Free Leftover Turkey Casserole1. Weeknight Turkey Hash Brown Casserole

2. Turkey Noodle Casserole

3. Turkey Chow Mein Casserole

4. Gluten-Free Leftover Turkey Casserole (shown)

5. Leftover Turkey Pasta Bake

6. French Onion Leftover Turkey Casserole (shown above)

7. Slow Cooker Turkey Rice Casserole


Leftover Mashed Potato Recipes

Everyone knows that the secret to a perfect Thanksgiving is a good batch of mashed potatoes. If you've got to make enough to feed an army because they're so good, you may have some leftover mashed potatoes. You don't have to eat them as is; You can repurpose them for a delicious side dish to accompany your next meal. You can even make them a meal on their own with how many delicious ingredients you'll add to them! Spice up your Thanksgiving leftovers by making them something new instead of just reheating them.

Loaded Leftover Mashed Potato Bake1. Pennsylvania Dutch Potato Filling

2. Loaded Leftover Mashed Potato Bake (shown)

3. Route 66 Shepherd's Pie

4. No Rules Mashed Potatoes

5. Amish Potato Filling







If you eat at ham at Thanksgiving and don't know what to do with those leftovers, we can help! Check out our comprehensive collection of 14 Incredible Leftover Ham Recipes.


More Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Chances are, you have odds and ends left in your kitchen from your Thanksgiving feast. Whether it's stuffing, green beans, or even cranberry sauce, you'll find just the recipe to use it up in! These Thanksgiving leftover recipes combine all of the best elements of Thanksgiving and put them all in one place. These recipes have leftover turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and more in a one-pot meal that's easy to make and very unique. It'll be your chance to reenact your Thanksgiving dinner, minus all of the stress!

Thanksgiving Shepherd's Pie1. Roasted Vegetable Turkey Casserole

2. Scalloped Turkey

3. Tastes like Thanksgiving Turkey Casserole

4. Cranberry Sauce Cheesecake Brownies

5. Thanksgiving Dinner Casserole

6. Thanksgiving Shepherd's Pie (shown)

7. Turkey Green Bean Casserole



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